These 11 Defensive Gun Uses Show Protective Benefits of Second Amendment

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(Amy Swearer, Daily Signal) I testified before Congress’ Joint Economic Committee last month in a hearing focused on “the economic toll of gun violence.”
Of course, there’s no doubt that gun violence imposes a tremendous cost on society, both financially and in far less readily calculable ways. How does one measure, for example, the mental and emotional toll of being shot?
As I explained to the committee, however, lawful gun owners are not largely to blame for these costs, despite many insinuations to the contrary by gun control advocates. Most lawful gun owners never will harm themselves or others and never will add a single dollar to the overall bill for gun violence.
Meanwhile, lawful gun ownership provides significant but often underacknowledged protective benefits, enabling peaceable citizens to defend themselves and others far more effectively than if they were unarmed.
Almost every major study on the issue has found that Americans use their firearms in self-defense between 500,000 and 3 million times annually,…Read the rest