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Border sheriffs slam DC mayor, officials for declaring emergency over migrant buses: ‘They have seen nothing’
Washington, DC, has been sent approximately 10,000 migrants from Texas and Arizona since April

(FOX) Sheriffs dealing with the crisis at the southern border are taking aim at Washington, D.C., for declaring a public emergency over the migrants that have been bused into the sanctuary city by Texas and Arizona — and bristling at claims that the buses have turned D.C. into a "border town."
"They have seen nothing. They are not a border town. They don’t know what a border town is," Goliad County, Texas, Sheriff Roy Boyd told Fox News Digital.
Mayor Muriel Bowser on Thursday declared a public emergency over the migrant buses which have been coming to D.C. from Texas and Arizona since April. She said the move would allow the city to create an Office of Migrant Services to provide migrants with accommodation, health care, transportation and other services…Read the rest