Have You Heard of the “Tradwife Movement”?

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(NOQ Report) In our time, everything about marriage, family and gender is being redefined, but not everyone is happy with these changes.  In fact, many long for a bygone era when life was simpler and families seemed to be much happier.  This desire to recapture what has been lost has spawned the “tradwife movement”, and this movement has been causing a tremendous amount of controversy all over social media in recent months.  Needless to say, many modern feminists absolutely abhor the social values of the 1950s, but it is precisely those values that “tradwives” are seeking to promote…

“On certain corners of the internet, a segment of women is exhibiting a nostalgia for an era it has never known.

These millennials and zoomers glamorize the aesthetics of 1950s Americana, donning retro fit-and-flare dresses and posting vintage illustrations of aproned housewives placing dinner on the table.”

The mainstream media has been trying to downplay the significance of this movement, and CNN even went so far as to label tradwives as a “fringe group”…

Have You Heard of the “Tradwife Movement”?