LAWFARE: Satanic Temple and FFRF Sue Arkansas over 10 Commandments but SCOTUS has ‘Already Settled This Debate’

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(Flag And Cross) The Satanic Temple and several other secular and anti-religion groups have been attempting to sue the State of Arkansas for years to force it to remove a monument featuring the Ten Commandments that sits on the grounds of the state Capitol building, but a motion filed in support of the state’s display notes that the U.S. Supreme Court has already settled the debate and says the lawsuits should be thrown out of court.

Attorneys for The Satanic Temple, the Freedom From Religion Foundation and others have filed repeated motions demanding the state remove the monument of the Ten Commandments that was erected back in 2015 on the Capitol grounds in Little Rock.

You may recall that the monument became a big national story back in 2017, when a crazed man used his truck to run down and destroy the original monument. The man was arrested on felony charges, but was later deemed mentally unfit to be prosecuted and was acquitted, according to…

Satanic Temple and Secular Government Hit a Hard Stop After Descending on 10 Commandments: ‘The Supreme Court Already Settled This Debate’ ⋆ Flag And Cross