Globo-Marxist Death Wish! Thanks to biden, dems, and RINOs, China is the New World Leader

(You never saw anybody lose this much, this fast in a casino! How did they blow it? They took China’s thirty pieces of silver and placed themselves under the Sino-thumb. Then, they pushed China into power. When the truth comes out, I’m sure there will be a lot of names added to the hall of infamy along with B Arnold and Quisling! – DD)

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(RedState) While the focus of the weekend has been on the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and the subsequent federal shutdown of it and New York’s Signature Bank, there has been a story bubbling under the surface about China’s growing influence in the Middle East.

As my colleague Susie Moore explained late last week, Iran and Saudi Arabia had been brought to the peace table for talks by the Chinese government, with both sides coming to an understanding. The proposal by the Chinese, which both sides seem to be agreeing to, is a return to normal relations between the two Middle Eastern countries. It wasn’t earth-shattering peace negotiations or anything like that, as the Saudis still view Iran as a destabilizing force in the region.

But, it’s clear that the Saudis have a little more peace of mind if a major global power like China was backing Iran and promising to help keep them in line.

Several media outlets reported on China’s growing influence in the region, with the New York Times all but gushing over it on…

Enter China, the World’s New Global Leader (Thanks to Joe Biden) – RedState