The Way That The Radical Left Is Reacting To The Nashville Shooting Shows The True State Of Our Country

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(Economic Collapse) When a great tragedy happens, it should bring us together. But instead, each new tragedy seems to tear us apart even more. The Nashville shooting is a perfect example of this. Instead of focusing on the victims and grieving for the lives that have been lost, many are using this tragedy as an opportunity to make extremely inflammatory statements. If you want to see how divided we have become as a nation, just look at how those on the left are responding to this story and compare it to how those on the right are responding to this story. It is almost as if the two sides are living in completely different universes.

Right now, all Americans should be mourning the precious lives that were lost. One of the victims was a little 9-year-old girl named Hallie Scruggs…

Among the six victims shot and killed inside a private Christian school in Nashville on Monday was the young daughter of a local pastor, according to…

The Way That The Radical Left Is Reacting To The Nashville Shooting Shows The True State Of Our Country