How the Confederate Name Task Force Committee and BOS skewed public input

(An interesting article on how public input was disregarded. Interesting but not surprising – DD)
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(Jenee Linder, Fairfax County Times) As a member of the Confederate Names Task Force Committee (CNTF), I was surprised by how underrepresented the diversity of the county was. The keyword to begin here is diverse public participation. It was woefully lacking in this renaming exercise of Lee Highway and Lee-Jackson Memorial Highway. Yet, here are our numbers: white 51.2%, Asian 18.9%, Hispanic 16.2%, Black 9.4%, Other 4.2 %.
On our committee of 26 who voted, in the end, there was one Asian and one Hispanic. More members of the Asian community through their different Asian Chamber of Commerce groups wanted to be on the committee. They represent, besides the Orient and Southeast Asia countries such as India, Pakistan, and others in the Middle East. One leader begged to be on. The businesses they represented would be most affected. No, was the answer. Why, I wonder?”
The one Hispanic included voted NO on a name change…Read the rest