Mike Johnson–the great disappointment

The Copperhead

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Revised History:

by Al Benson Jr.

I had great hopes for Mike Johnson when he first started out as House speaker. I live in Louisiana and he is from my home state, I watched his acceptance speech where he talked about what’s in the Bible and how that would be his guide to what he did. It was a good speech, better than his performance as House speaker has been. I’m not sure what version of the Bible he uses, but it must be different than the one I use.

I realize he has a razor thin majority to work with in the House, but still, he comes across as someone the Democrats love and can work with and support…

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One thought on “Mike Johnson–the great disappointment

  1. leevail22904 5 May 2024 / 6:30 pm

    Johnson is a backstabbing SOB and now a proven RINO. The voters in his district need to primary him out and find a true conservative candidate to replace him.

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