Weaponization Of Fanaticism – Why Leftists Love Islam Even Though Islam Hates Them

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(Alt-Market.US) – In my recent article on the suspicious nature of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict I noted that, just as with Ukraine, the establishment is seeking to lure Americans into supporting one side or the other despite that fact that neither side concerns public interests at home and neither is really worth fighting for. It is a classic destabilization and globalization strategy reminiscent of WWI – Whenever Americans begin to rally around their own culture, their own security and seek to solve their own problems, suddenly another foreign conflict arises which for some reason requires us to drop everything we are doing and intervene.

For many readers it might not seem like much, but after nearly a decade of woke cultism and far left efforts to deconstruct the US there has been a backlash which is now threatening to suffocate the social justice movement. BLM in on a steep decline, SJW infested universities are suffering from dwindling enrollment and lack of legitimacy, woke Hollywood is burning and their profits are collapsing, the trans agenda is finally being obstructed and multiple states are blocking efforts by queer activists to target and groom children, and, focus has been returning to the dangers of open-border policies with a majority of Americans now demanding something be done.

It’s subtle, but the pendulum is swinging back on the political left and they don’t like it. “America First” is slowly making a comeback. What is the establishment to do? Well, what they always do: Get the populace trapped in another pointless foreign entanglement. That way our focus on the home-front is diverted, our resources and tax dollars are transferred overseas and our soldiers are sent to die on alien ground instead of fighting to secure our own borders and people. As a society we are not allowed to put America first; when we try we are consistently sabotaged.

In the case of the current quagmire, Americans are being pressured daily to pick a team. Many conservatives will inevitably choose…

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