The Left’s Plan: Turn America Into the Next Haiti

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(The New American) – Not only does the tragic case of Haiti present a picture of a society in complete and total collapse — it serves as a vision of what is to come in the United States if the Left gets its way.

The Haitian nation is reeling under violence and lawlessness as criminal gangs assert dominance over the island, with the impotent and corrupt government able to do little to stop them. Observers from all over the world have looked on in horror as gangs of cannibals roast victims’ legs over an open fire.

The words of a doctor in Haiti, shared with the Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) urban violence project in Port-au-Prince, gives a glimpse into the horrific realities now confronting the people of Haiti:

[The] fighting began several years ago, but in recent weeks it has become increasingly violent, like a war. On 28 February, it was announced that elections could be postponed until August 2025. Armed civilian groups reacted by uniting against the government, attacking police stations, administrative offices, banks, port and airport facilities, and other state institutions. This prevented the prime minister from returning to Haiti, given that our airports were closed.
The violence is now like gangrene, spreading and threatening us all. Throughout the city, many people have fled because their homes were burnt down or looted by groups that attacked their neighbourhoods. More and more areas of the city are emptying out as the…

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