If you want truth, government is the last place to get it

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Revised History:

by Al Benson Jr.

Has anyone noticed lately how often someone in a government position has been shown to be lying to us? With the Biden/Obama regime the amount of political BS has proliferated astronomically. Just about anyone from this regime that gets a ten second spot on the news, from Biden’s press secretary to the man “who does more work in an hour than most people do all day” himself has been caught in egregious falsehoods, to the point where they don’t even try to convince you they are telling the truth anymore. They just spin their horrendous political windys and almost dare…

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Celebrating the birth of the tyrant

Help Dixie Defeat Big-Tech Censorship! Spread the Word! Like, Share, Re-Post, and Subscribe! There’s a lot more to see at our main page, Dixie Drudge!

Revised History:

by Al Benson Jr.

Well, today the birth of Abraham Lincoln is celebrated, or remembered if not celebrated. Mr. Lincoln is noted, so we are told, for “freeing the slaves.” This is one of those carefully-crafted pieces of hokum we have been fed over the years so we will not be tempted to check out the real reasons for the War of Northern Aggression, of which there were several. The slavery issue was far down on the list. I will admit slavery was AN issue, but it was not THE issue that ignited that war.

The main issue, the one that almost no one ever talks about, has been skillfully…

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