FBI Doubles-Down on a Two-Tiered Justice System

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FBI Goes Top-Down to Install Two-Tiered Justice at Local Levels, Wray Perfect Point Man

(Red Voice Media) – A Federal Bureau of Investigation press release from 14 Jul 23 appears to be particularly problematic to the posterity of this once proud constitutional republic. The FBI’s National Command Course features a top-down organizational structure that, by all appearances, is a mechanism to deliver two-tiered justice to the local level. The lens for proper understanding is the abject reality of a politicized, weaponized, and two-tiered justice system by a Department of Justice that is as rife with corruption and criminality as the actual criminals they sometimes investigate, if not more so.

My series, THE HUNT IS ON, provides the necessary contextual backdrop here.

Two-tiered justice has played out in massive entrapment operations, including the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago and the Capitol “insurrection” trap.

The DOJ/FBI has been transformed over time to presently and, by design, manifest as an entirely politicized and weaponized judiciary with the FBI at the tip of the spear.

For the FBI in relation to its jurisdiction, as depicted…

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