An Epidemic of Stars and Medals Inflation

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(Bacon’s Rebellion) – We live in a time when every kid gets a trophy just for participating. Grade inflation has made C’s obsolete … where we still have grades. Awards shows seemingly appear on TV every week. And – if the last session is any indication – every person and organization in Virginia is eligible for a commending resolution from the General Assembly. (See Commendations.)

An inflation of symbols and merit has particularly afflicted the military. Every corporal now sports enough ribbons and badges to be mistaken for a South American general. Flag grade officers have several rows of ribbons up to their shoulders. Soon, these officers will need to have sashes – a la the Girl Scouts – to display all the ribbons. And as a sash might cover other badges on their uniforms, they may need a sash-bearing aide in tow. Or, they could just pin badges on their pants, North Korean style.

George C. Marshall was a veteran of World War I, Army chief of staff, and architect of victory in World War II. He was promoted to five-star general to put him symbolically on par with British field marshals. In his formal portrait at the end of World War II – wearing five stars – he displayed a mere three rows of ribbons.

Chiefs of police and sheriffs, particularly in Virginia – have traditionally worn eagle insignia, the military rank of colonel. In European development, colonels were, typically, disinherited second and third sons of…

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