Fraud Alert! Over 23 Million Immigrants May Illegally Vote in the 2024 Presidential Election!

(Wonder who they’d vote for??? – DD)

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(WLT Report) – If you thought the 2020 presidential election was bad, you haven’t seen anything yet.

A new report reveals that over 23 million may vote illegally in next year’s election.


It’s because Democrat states and cities are passing local measures that allow non-citizens to vote in municipal elections.

Fortunately, there are a handful of states like Ohio, Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Minnesota, and North Dakota that have banned non-citizens from voting.

That’s how it should be.

You should be an American to vote for the President of the United States.

Not only is that Constitutional, but that’s just common sense.

No wonder Democrats want open borders.

So they can vote in these radical left municipalities.

But even worse, if Democrats end up granting mass amnesty (mass citizenship), then all those illegal migrants will vote Democrat.

Keep in mind that Joe Biden only “won” the popular vote by…

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