Missouri City (TX) unanimously approves renaming Bedford Forrest Drive

(Renaming cul-de-sacs! That’ll change the world. Can’t you feel the crime rates descending like cultural-marxist IQ points. And they interviewed a choir teacher? That’s a sure cross-section of traditional Texas! – DD)

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Missouri City unanimously approves changing street named after first Grand Wizard of KKK

The change is part of a bigger city renaming project that started in Sienna several years ago.

(KHOU 11) – Another Missouri City street is getting a name change.

Bedford Forrest Drive, which is in the Vicksburg Village of Shiloh neighborhood, will soon be known as Liberty Way Drive.

The street was named after Nathan Bedford Forrest, a Confederate general who would go on to become the first Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.

“That was a Grand Wizard of the KKK and I feared that name growing up,” resident Warren Holmon said.

The neighborhood, which sits near the Fort Bend Parkway Toll Road and Highway 6, will see the name change after residents and City Council members unanimously approved the change.

For Holmon, a choir teacher, the name had meaning. So much so that he almost didn’t buy his house. He said his bills offer constant reminders.

It comes as part of the city’s street renaming project, but the area has seen several changes throughout the years…

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