The Gov’t “Cancelled” my speech at Arlington National Cemetery

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(HK Edgerton) Why is the US Government telling us that we can’t hold an uncensored Confederate Memorial Day Service at the “Reconciliation” memorial at Arlington National Cemetery?

Are they afraid that the lies Elizabeth Warren, mother of the ‘so-called’ Naming Commission, will be exposed? For example: “Black soldiers are offended about the Confederate names of military bases”.

Even though there has never been any evidence or actions to support this claim against these base names. In fact, they exude pride from those who were assigned there in the past and present.

This is more of the same woke, ungodliness that was spread by Yankee evildoers who came south to rape and plunder and who use their chicanery to destroy the historical unity between the Southern Blacks and Southern Whites.

And they have done everything to include inventing new types of humans to enlist…

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