The War Over Robert E. Lee Never Ends

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(Bacon’s Rebellion) – First they came for the equestrian statues of Robert E. Lee.

Then they removed his name from Lee Chapel at Washington & Lee University, where he is buried.

Then they came for the memorial to his horse Traveller.

Now they want to remove him from Virginia license plates.

A bill introduced by Del. Candi King, D-Woodbridge would direct the Department of Motor Vehicles to prohibit the issuance of license plates that make reference to the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, or any other prominent Confederate leader.

The Department of Motor Vehicles allows extensive personalization of the letters and digits in license plates for a modest surcharge. Motorists also can select from some 200 “special” license plates bearing names and icons of universities, charities, hobbies, and causes. The most recognizable is the “Don’t Tread on Me” plate, a favorite of conservatives and libertarians.

But there is also a “United We Stand” plate and a “Peace” plate favored by liberals and lefties. More akin to the Lee plate…

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