The Most Effective Way to Destroy a People

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​The Most Effective Way

(Abbeville Institute) – “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their own history.” – George Orwell, 1984. Who knew the Biden administration was using this dystopian novel as a guidebook?

In 2022, the Commission on the Naming of Items of the Department of Defense that Commemorate the Confederate States of America or Any Person Who Served Voluntarily with the Confederate States of America, more commonly referred to as the “Naming Commission” with its two-million-dollar taxpayer funded budget, set its sights on the Confederate Memorial in Arlington National Cemetery. Despite the Naming Commission headed by an African-American naval officer, Michelle Howard, the cemetery overseen by the U.S. Army fell into her crosshairs.

While the United States military could have taken the commission’s comments into consideration and simply focused elsewhere, such as on declining recruitment, they decided to forge ahead with obliviating history. African-American Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin declared in a memo that he concurred with all the commission’s recommendations and was committed to implementing them as soon as possible, within legal constraints. On 5 January 2023, William A. LaPlante, U.S. undersecretary of defense for acquisition and sustainment directed the Department to implement all of the commission’s recommendations. This did not need to be done, but the U.S. military showed its commitment to an agenda of ruin and destruction. What has replaced these historic, artistic monuments? The Confederate monuments of Richmond, Virginia have been replaced by homeless encampments and plein air fentanyl deals on Monument Avenue. As Orwell asked, what kind of regime needs a pyramid of stacked bodies to sustain itself?

When comparing cost of…

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