The Argument for Preserving Our Early American Symbols

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(The Abbieville Institute) – Annie Gowan of The Washington Post writes of an incident a few years ago, June 2020, where a group of Portland, Oregon, protestors, gathered a high school and used bungee cords, wires, and human muscle to topple a statue of Thomas Jefferson off its pedestal and into the cement. Says 26-year-old removalist Triston Crowl, “When it came down, we could tell something had happened. This was a moment in history, at least in the city.” He then adds: “There should be a line at the Civil War. Every forefather prior to that should be considered a Confederate.” “There is no point in having these statues,” says 21-year-old Rosario Navalta, who was part of the activism. “All they do is remind everybody of the history of the United States and its role in perpetuating white supremacy and the institutionalization of anti-blackness.” She adds that Jefferson enslaved over 600 blacks in his life and had four children with teenager Sally Hemings.

Crowl and Navalta are illustrations of the rage of thousands of removalists, profoundly ignorant of U.S. history and taking it upon themselves to act on behalf of the citizenry as if they were suitable spokespersons to do that. As the discretionary comment of Crowl shows—“we could tell something had happened”—much of the removalist activity is by the hands of restive youths, who feel the need to be a part of something significant, and so when they are not texting, they desecrate or…

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