anti-Southern Bigots Using Faked Davis Document to Push Their Agenda

(Of course they’d use fake news to rewrite history and shame a whole people. They do it every day in the Legacy Media. It’s what they do – DD)

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This “Jefferson Davis Document” is Fake

(Brion McClanahan, The Abbeville Institute) – Did Jefferson Davis reply to the Emancipation Proclamation with a threat to enslave all blacks in America?

That is what some historically challenged people on social media think.

Their evidence is a broadside reportedly published in January 1863 by the Richmond Enquirer as “An Address to the People of the Free States by the President of the Southern Confederacy.”

In other words, Jefferson Davis went to a local paper, published a policy statement, and never mentioned it again. Ever.

This document screams “fake news.” It should. Even the Library of Congress calls it a fake.

But let’s examine the document with a critical eye.

First, Davis never used the term “President of the Southern Confederacy” in any public documents during the War. He was always referenced as President of the Confederate States of America, even when signing public papers.

Second, Davis never referred to Abraham Lincoln as …

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