Fear in the Memphis War Zone

(There was a time I felt safer in Memphis than in Little Rock. Now it’s a toss-up. I voted with my feet and moved far away from both – DD)
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Inner-city Memphis residents sound off on safety after livestreamed shooting, Eliza Fletcher killing
Memphis locals give mixed answers on whether the city is a safe place to live

(FOX) People in Memphis, Tennessee, sounded off on the city’s crime rate after a teacher was abducted and killed and after a gunman went on a livestreamed shooting spree.
"Right now the kids ain’t going to no community centers or nothing, learning anything," Larry said. "Bunch of gangs got ‘em. They’re picking up guns, smoking weed."
But another Memphis woman, Willette, said: "It’s like everywhere else to me, the crime rates, everything."
It’s still a safe place, you just got to watch your surroundings," she continued. "I don’t care wherever you go, it’s bad. Not just Memphis."
A gunman went on a shooting rampage in Memphis, killing four and injuring three others during a Facebook livestream on Sept. 8. Days earlier, Memphis teacher Eliza Fletcher was abducted and killed. Memphis ex-con Cleotha Henderson was charged with first-degree murder and faces a slew of other charges related to the case.
One man told Fox News it was not safe "in the hood."…
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SHTF is Here! 2.0

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“Your Civilization is Falling Apart”: Here’s How Unlivable Blue Cities Have Gotten

(Trending Politics) How bad have things gotten in Democrat-controlled cities like New Orleans, New York City, Detroit, San Francisco, and Chicago? So bad that when you think of those cities, it’s not the good things about them, from culture to industry, beautiful shopping districts to stunning city parks, that come to mind.
Rather, what almost every American thinks of when such blue cities as those are brought up is of the bloodshed, crime, and heartbreak within them, the streams of blood flowing down their streets thanks to crime that would rival the French Revolution in terms of both volume of blood shed and the pointlessness of it all.
While many might avert their eyes and avoid criticizing such places and the little being done to combat crime within them out of fear of being called “racist,” or something, Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson went full steam ahead in criticizing the bloodshed of inner-cities and the violence present in Democrat-controlled areas. In fact, Tucker even went so far as to say that the horror of those cities shows that our “civilization is falling apart.”…Read the rest

Truth Overrules the Abrams-promoted Riot Bait

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Georgia Drops Charges Against Police Who Shot Rayshard Brooks: ‘Justified’

(Brietbart) A specially-appointed prosecutor dropped charges Tuesday, including murder, against Atlanta, Georgia police officers Garrett Rolfe and Devin Brosnan, who shot and killed Rayshard Brooks in a June 2020 incident that led to Black Lives Matter riots.
Brooks, 27, a black man, had fallen asleep in his vehicle in a Wendy’s drive-thru and was questioned by the officers, who had been called to the scene. After speaking with the officers, he resisted arrest and stole an officer’s Taser, firing it at them. Rolfe fired at Brooks, who was killed.
A mob then arrived and burned the Wendy’s. Democrats, such as failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, said the shooting was “murder.” Celebrities, such as Justin Timberlake, joined in condemning police.
One of the officers’ stepmother was fired from her job. Then-Fulton County district attorney said that police officers ought to be inducted without a grand jury investigation…Read the rest